Rock ‘n Roll – E-Scooting in Gibraltar

I took a day out from Spain to check out the e-scooter situation in Gibraltar. I left my car in Spain and walked across the border, this is weird as you have to walk across the airport runway to get to the rock (there’s controlling lights and barriers to ensure you don’t get taken out…

Scooting the Southern Spanish Coast

Another road trip, this time to southern Spain. But given I only had three weeks I had to fly-drive this time rather than taking the campervan.  This meant leaving my own e-scooter at home, because the airlines haven’t yet got their act together with allowing them on board.   I kicked off by flying into Murcia….

Scooting Sub Zero

It hasn’t been above freezing for days now, and the best option is clearly fireside,  preferably with a jug of mulled wine.  But I needed to go out and fetch supplies, so in the name of research I ignored the inviting option of the 4×4 with its’ heated seats, and had a go at using…

It’s just criminal….

The environmental and convenience benefits of e-scooter use are clear. But the anti e-scooter lobby are prominent in the media, with headlines about the use of e-scooters by the criminal gangs…. Criminals have always been early adopters of the best new technology, from mobile phones for look outs back in the previous millennium, to their…

Scooter ownership legislation, what can we expect?

With many cities participating in the national trial rental scheme rented e-scooters have become a common sight in our city. Whatever your views on them, it’s clear they have been adopted by some (mainly young) people as their transport of choice.  Use of private scooters on public roads and pavements is still not legal, but…

Scooting In Southern Europe Part-1

  I’m just back from a three-week tour of Portugal, Spain, and (unexpectedly) France. I wanted to try out my theory that a combination of motorhome and scooter makes for an ideal way to explore mainland Europe just as it does in the UK. This blog is about the prep and the practicalities.   Given…

Scooting in Southern Europe Part-2

Welcome to the second part of my blog on a three week camper/scooter tour. Here is the low-down on how I got on scooting around the towns and cities.   PORTUGAL Portugal doesn’t have a specific set of laws for e-scooter, they are treated as bicycles and therefore have few restrictions on use. Lisbon was…

Scooting in Scotland

We took our e-scooters with us on holiday to Scotland last week, because when your motorhome is the width of a coach (and you’ve a nervous wife!) there’s always going to be places of interest that are out of reach down tiny back roads. But not if you have e-scooters. We were able to recharge…

Maintaining a ban on private ownership of e-scooters…

The anti e-scooter lobby had a field day earlier this week with a story about crime on farmland.  The NFU released some insurance claim figures with some narrative comments about the underlying trends, including the very disquieting one  that thieves are using long term surveillance to grab quad bikes. The media spin chose to ignore…