Rock ‘n Roll – E-Scooting in Gibraltar

I took a day out from Spain to check out the e-scooter situation in Gibraltar. I left my car in Spain and walked across the border, this is weird as you have to walk across the airport runway to get to the rock (there’s controlling lights and barriers to ensure you don’t get taken out…

Scooting the Southern Spanish Coast

Another road trip, this time to southern Spain. But given I only had three weeks I had to fly-drive this time rather than taking the campervan.  This meant leaving my own e-scooter at home, because the airlines haven’t yet got their act together with allowing them on board.   I kicked off by flying into Murcia….

Scooting Sub Zero

It hasn’t been above freezing for days now, and the best option is clearly fireside,  preferably with a jug of mulled wine.  But I needed to go out and fetch supplies, so in the name of research I ignored the inviting option of the 4×4 with its’ heated seats, and had a go at using…