It’s just criminal….

The environmental and convenience benefits of e-scooter use are clear. But the anti e-scooter lobby are prominent in the media, with headlines about the use of e-scooters by the criminal gangs….

Criminals have always been early adopters of the best new technology, from mobile phones for look outs back in the previous millennium, to their use of drones to transport drugs into prisons and across borders. But just because a technological advance can be subverted for use with crime shouldn’t be a reason to suppress it’s use where there is clear benefit to the law-abiding majority. An outright ban on private use in public places, which is the current position, just hurts the vast majority of law-abiding citizens, criminals are going to ignore it anyway.

When bans are enforced as a response to crime, it’s always the rest of us who are inconvenienced, and this appears to be a modern phenomenon – after all, horse ownership wasn’t banned when highwayman adopted them. Ships and cars survived the advent of pirates and getaway drivers respectively, because they were far too useful to the public to be banned.

Basically, anything in the wrong hands operated without due care is a potential hazard, ski accidents are relatively common and sometimes fatal, but we don’t hear calls to ban them from the slopes.

Like skiing – scooting is fun for many, but also has clear benefits, which are in line with government aims of reducing pollution and carbon use.  So, let’s embrace our friends electric and move into a greener future.