Power to the Pub – Perfect Tonic to the Summer Heat!

The gorgeous weather certainly works up a thirst, and is there a better way to get to the pub than on your e-scooter?

Crossing International Borders!

The family are away so I’m free to do what I like, and after work yesterday the craving for an icy G ‘n’ T grew too strong, so it was a ten minute trip to the Hare in Farndon for me,  international travel at it’s easiest!

G ‘n’ T time!

Whizzing down the country road a guy in a ford focus pulled alongside with the window down, and enthused about e-scooting, but warned me his had been confiscated, “mind you it was a high speed model and I was in Liverpool”, I suggested he needed to move out to the sticks, but he laughed and said it was too quiet for him and drove on with a friendly wave.

View From the Hare

The pub had free tables outside so I could keep an eye on the scooter,  I got talking to a couple of cyclists, one of whom had a very expensive e-bike. She was very enthusiastic about it, it was limited to a top speed of 16mph, the same as my e-scooter. We agreed the law was an ass, with one device being legal and the other not!

International e-scooter travel – crossing the border

Another pleasant ride (creating a much appreciated cooling breeze) and I was back home, admittedly it’s less exercise than going by push bike, but you can wear your better clothes, and who wants to turn up at a pub sweating like a wrestler?