View From A Hill…

When it comes to hills, living on the Chester border is a bit like living in the Netherlands – there’s nothing serious to traverse. In fact the highest point in Chester west (Bulkeley hill), is a mere 148m, and the commute from my home to office is mainly flat and just 10m above sea level. Hence my e-scooter isn’t exactly being challenged on a daily basis. However, there are some gradients in the other direction when I scoot over towards  Marford, and nobody wants to have to get off and push.

When I bought the Ninebot and took it for my first ride I went up to Worlds end, just over the border in Wales, and the scooter failed to climb even mild inclines, fortunately when I switched out of eco mode and into sport mode the Ninebot coped fine, with no loss of speed. But buyer beware – I’ve read since that some of the e-scooters available in the UK are simply not powerful enough to cope with inclines. Hence the advice is to buy one with at least a 500W motor.

And, my e-scooter regulates the speed going downhill to whatever you have set it to on the cruise control, hence it can never run out of control, which is a pretty good safety feature too!