Commuting into Chester

I’ve faced numerous issues commuting into Chester this week.

I got stuck for twenty minutes trying to drive half a mile for the school drop off. In the end, I had to turf the kids out at the business park. I then turned around and drove a three mile detour to get into the city via Handbridge.

The total time spent on a 8-mile commute was one hour. The average speed therefore was 8mph. In comparison, the average speed on my E-scooter commute is 12mph. That’s with no pollution and one less car in the queue!

Like other commuters, I find myself asking; why weren’t the road and pavement changes for the housing project prioritised whilst the school was closed for months due to the pandemic?

But there’s little to be gained in moaning about the hopeless planning that goes alongside roadworks, and why developers get away with murder when it comes to inconveniencing people, whilst building hugely profitable new estates.

It’s much better for the blood pressure to shrug it off. I just use the scooter whenever it’s dry enough to do so.

Of course, I still need to get as far as the park & ride by car on drop-off days. It’s not safe to ride two up on the E-scooter (let alone three!)

But from there into the office is a breeze, with no extra time spent – and as I’m constantly moving rather than sitting stationary – it’s far less frustrating.

Roll on the law changes. Let’s get some cars out of the equation and make commuting into Chester better again!

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