Commuting by E-Scooter

Ever considered commuting on an electric scooter?

I waited for a dry day to test my scooters’ potential for commuting. After over a week of waiting patiently (this is England, after all), I prepared to scoot to my office. Based in Chester, it’s a distance of just over nine miles from my house.

The route I took consisted of two B roads. I opted for a slightly longer route to avoid the main road, for the nice scenery and safety reasons.

The journey turned out to be easy and serene. I didn’t have to stop at any point, and rarely had to brake. It was pleasantly surprising getting from A to B.

With little traffic on the roads at the moment, nobody bothered me. Apart from one motorist, who felt it was necessary to toot his presence when coming up behind. I have no idea why – maybe he does the same to every bike he passes too!?

It was barely 3 degrees. I was equipped with gloves, but my fingers still got cold. The icy wind tore through my coat, so next time in similar conditions I’d put an extra layer on. My feet got cold too, probably from standing still for 40 minutes. I have a cunning plan to combat this for future occasions. I was really glad to be wearing my snood – with Covid we’ve all got used to seeing people in various face coverings, so it doesn’t even look out of place!

Battery wise, I had half the charge remaining when I reached the office. This is the more hungry  “sport” mode, averaging nearly 22km/h.

So, would I consider commuting on an electric scooter regularly? The answer is yes. In the summer it would be a great way to travel. I arrived at the office relaxed, and whilst it took twice a long as in the car, 40 minutes seemed perfectly acceptable.

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