How to Ride an Electric Scooter Safely

How to ride an electric scooter safely

We know that scooters are super safe and very easy to ride. The ability to stop and jump off quickly makes them even safer than bikes. But common sense and courteousness will reassure the walking public, and help convince the authorities to legalise personally owned scooters.

Here are our top-tips on how to ride an electric scooter safely:

  • Ride on the road or in cycle lanes where possible, not the pavement or public pathways.
  • Get off and walk in pedestrianised areas.
  • When riding on pavement cycle lanes, use the bell when approaching anyone from behind.
  • Avoid carrying bags on the handlebars – use a backpack instead.
  • Keep two hands on the handlebars at all times.
  • Avoid the temptation of giving anybody a lift.
  • When turning right, the safest option is to pull over and stop, then cross when you’ve checked it is clear.
  • Avoid puddles wherever possible, they often hide hazards such as potholes or drain covers and can end up soaking unlucky bystanders.

Do you have any tips on how to ride an electric scooter safely? Leave a comment below. For the latest UK government guidelines on E-scooters, visit their website.

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