Can You Ride an Electric Scooter in the Rain?

Can you ride an electric scooter in the rain?

If you’re going to use a scooter for commuting, then a big decision is whether that’s on fair weather days, or all days. If it’s the latter, then clearly you don’t want a scooter that packs in at the first puddle or light shower!

Personally, I’m a fair weather rider, it’s like playing golf for me – I’m there for enjoyment. Plus, some car drivers seem to think that you’re fair game when it comes to water on the
road. So I’m steering clear. If there’s major rain I’m switching to the car or van thank you very much.

Scooters on the market today have a wide range of claims when it comes to the wet. Some manufacturers advise that you don’t use them in the wet at all. Others claim a very high level of resistance to water ingress.

So, can you ride an electric scooter in the rain? The key here (if you’re in Europe) is the IP rating. These Wiki tables explain what the various values mean.

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